Thursday, October 8, 2015

Venezuela’s Censorship Goes from Bad to Worse

The event gathered over 300 press workers and culminated on October 6, after five days of sessions focused on the “wave of censorship” spreading across the Americas. During the meeting, IAPA Regional Vice President Asdrúbal Aguiar introduced four resolutions urging the General Assembly to condemn the Venezuelan government for its violations of free speech. The resolutions single out Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and National Assembly Chairman Diosdado Cabello as the nation’s “primary killers of free press and the concealment of public information.” Furthermore, Aguiar called for the release of Venezuelan political prisoners and the creation of an international committee to observe the upcoming legislative elections. The IAPA concludes that the government of Venezuela is currently “establishing totalitarian control over the media,” including “efforts to criminalize the work of journalists” and restricting access to information. More…

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