Thursday, October 15, 2015

Venezuela's AN as a National Embarrassment

Another shameful session was held at the Parliament (aka National Assembly or AN) on Tuesday. The embarrassment was big, and the session was not presided over Capt. Diosdado Cabello who always adds his personal touch to the public affront. Lawmakers of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) proposed a debate on crime, sparked off by "Colombian paramilitaries," as a result of the murders of Maritza Sánchez, Yesenia Contreras and Rocío Hurtado, three militants of the ruling party. They forgot to include Eliecer Otaiza and Robert Serra – as incapable as they can be and even more. We regret that ANTV (the public TV channel of the Parliament) has such a small audience, because if the majority of Venezuelans see that debate, the levels of outrage would have broken a world record for sure. It should be broadcast over the public airwaves, so that everyone could see the contempt of the members of the PSUV for the majority of their fellow Venezuelans. This marks the first time ever that the issue of insecurity is discussed in that space. More…

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