Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The “Red Choir” of Venezuela's CNE Tibisay Lucena

The adage is quite old, but appropriate for the moment. It goes "Caesar's wife doesn't need to be only honest; she has to look honest. " This is the case of the directors of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) comply, but the other way around. They are not impartial and don't care if they look impartial. Now they are suggesting the opposition to sign a proposed pact by the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), but never one that compromises the use of public resources during the electoral campaign as proposed by José Guerra, an economist and opposition candidate for the Parliament. Will the CNE directors ever go against the guidelines of the PSUV? Let's look at the behavior of this electoral body headed by Tibisay Lucena from last December until today so we can corroborate its "impartiality." In the first place, she and Sandra Oblitas were re-elected by the Parliament without any of them having the necessary votes to that end, thus validating that unconstitutional decision with the assumption of office. More…

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