Monday, July 6, 2015

CARICOM Heads urge Venezuela to withdraw claims

Heads of Government further noted the negative implications of the decree for several other CARICOM countries. Heads of Government called for adherence to accepted principles of international law in relation to the delineation and delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf in the region. CARICOM states do not accept any unilateral proclamation which is inconsistent with international law. They emphasized that CARICOM states have legitimate territorial and maritime entitlements that conform to international law and that must be respected. As a result of these concerns, and in an effort to have the rights and entitlements of the affected Community Member States fully respected, a delegation of Heads met with the Vice President  and Foreign Minister of Venezuela to express the Community’s grave concern about  Decree 1787. Heads of Government therefore call upon the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, to withdraw those elements of Decree 1787 insofar as they apply to the territory and maritime space of CARICOM States. More…

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