Monday, December 8, 2014

Will Venezuela Suffer Zimbabwe-levels of Hyperinflation?

As you may know, inflation is a part of any fiat currency and is the amount of the nation’s monetary supply, or an inflation of said supply. A normal rate of inflation would be around 2% annually. A citizen will be compensated for this in a cost-of-living increase for their wages annually. Many nations will claim 1-3% inflation even when that isn’t the rate when a country is printing more money than they generate in actual production because they know a low rate is desirable. To illustrate the inflation in Venezuela, an extra-value meal at McDonalds in Caracas costs 125 Bolivar in September of 2013. As of last month, the same meal costs 245 Bolivar, representing an almost 100% inflation within about one year’s time. More…

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