Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hunting Season Opens in Venezuela

A new season for the hunting of dissidents and members of the opposition has officially begun in Venezuela. Actually, this pastime from the ruling party PSUV had never been banned before. This has been a common practice carried out with total impunity and with the help of the Attorney General's Office, the Supreme Court, and the Ombudsman's Office since the time of the "supreme commander" Hugo Chávez. But since the socialist leader passed away, in their despair, those responsible for the affairs of the country have done nothing else but exposing bogus coup attempts and conspiracies. In the absence of better arguments to convince Venezuelans – particularly those who voted for them –, members of the governing cabello-madurista elite are clinging to the well-worn excuse of a presidential assassination, as well as the illegal funding or defamation to take seats from the opposition in the Parliament. They took Richard Mardo out of the game already. More…

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