Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Alexandra Hidalgo: The kinship of history teller

This is a legacy I have felt compelled to carry on since childhood. Not necessarily because I wanted to see my name on a book cover — though I did like that idea — but because my father, whose book I’ve now read many times, disappeared in the Venezuelan Amazon when I was six years old. During my professional reinventions — from writer to scholar to filmmaker — I’ve tried to tell this story, to honor his life and his vanishing and to explain the aftermath of a family loss of that magnitude. For the last three years, I’ve been hard at work on this new project. Getting grants; filming in Venezuela, the U.S., Spain and Portugal; editing, writing (narration is full of words, as it turns out); collaborating with brilliant Venezuelan filmmakers; and working with Nate, my constant artistic companion, as I bring this story to the screen. More…

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