Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Venezuela has too much money but not nearly enough cash

Eugenio Escobar is waiting outside an ATM in Caracas hoping to get some cash. His car has been stuck for hours in a parking lot, and he needs 2,000 bolivares in cash to pay the parking fee. But he, like many Venezuelans these days, doesn’t have a single note inside his wallet. “I’ve visited at least five ATMs today,” the 73-year-old pensioner said. “All of them were empty.” Venezuela's extreme cash shortage is creating serious problems in the daily lives of its citizens. To find cash, people have to wander for days from ATM to ATM, and queues are growing longer every day. More…

1 comment:

  1. Hello Caracas & Venezuela!

    I'd just read recently that Venezuela’s Bolivar (VEF) is now worth just one satoshi as hyperinflation takes an ever deeper hold in the struggling country.

    Please tell your fellow Venezuelans that don't get themselves in a crooked nook and get ripped off.

    The exchange CryptoForex is aligned to, offers a 5%-25% discount rate and is close to the actual trading levels of cryptocurrencies or digital currencies.

    All the Best!
