Thursday, March 2, 2017

Trump Administration Should Punish Maduro Regime for Nefarious Activities, Including Iran and Hezbollah Ties

“Venezuelans who wanted freedom and the return of democracy got in trouble with the Obama administration because it had three major items on its foreign policy agenda,” Rodil stated. “One was Iran (the nuclear deal). Two was Cuba (the restoration of diplomatic ties). And three was the peace process with FARC in Colombia. The three allies of the Chavistas — Iran, Cuba and FARC.” “We were trying to say, listen, a lot of people are concerned about the Iranians and you always think about the Middle East where they are,” Rodil continued. “You always think they are moving money to Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan, to one those neighboring countries. But nobody is realizing they came to the backyard of the United States.  More…

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