Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Jesuits’ new five-star Latin-American general

From what Jesuits were saying before and since last Friday's election, their new Superior General -- the 67-year-old Venezuelan politics expert, Arturo Sosa -- manages to deliver pretty much everything members of the order were looking for.When I asked Jesuits in Colombia and Ecuador a few weeks ago what kind of General they believed was needed for the next chapter in the Society of Jesus’s remarkable history, I didn’t, of course, get a single answer. Jesuits are famously individual - ‘an orchestra of first violinists,’ as they are sometimes jokingly described. (The Italian equivalent is ‘three Jesuits = four opinions’).More…

1 comment:

    Solicito ordenarme como el lider del grupo G 400 + Venezuela porque soy el lider del grupo 11 de MARTHA COLMENARES (G13) como tambien ministro de MARTHA COLMENARES porque mis calumniadores estuvieron a punto de destruir la paz del mundo aunque yo sea la encarnacion divina de los Dioses aborigenes del mundo y de Guatemala como tambien del cristianismo y de los extraterrestres. Iba a estallar la tercera guerra mundial por culpa de mis secuestradores que apoyan a mis calumniadores incondicionalmente aunque perdamos a la paz del mundo. La paz del mundo se mantiene por mis encarnaciones divinas de tales Dioses aborigenes por motivo de que tambien con tales encarnaciones divinas mantengo la union aborigen del mundo por unir a la religion mundial.

    Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
    Documento de identificacion personal:
    1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
    Cédula de Vecindad:
    ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
    Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
