Venezuelan bond soars above mounting chaos of shortages
Venezuela’s foreign reserves are on
course to run dry by next year and its holdings of gold are sliding. Inflation
is so high and the currency so weak that the country’s highest denomination
banknote, the 100 bolivar note, now changes hands for just 21 US cents on the
black market, where a dollar now buys 467 bolívares, compared to the official
rate of 6.3. Shortages of even the most basic of items are widespread, and the
average salary has plummeted to just $18 a month at the black market exchange
rate. Yet investors in Venezuela’s short-term government-backed debt are
laughing all the way to the bank. Yields on a $1.5bn bond issued by Petróleos
de Venezuela (PDVSA), the country’s state-owned oil company, maturing in
October have tumbled from a high of 53.8 per cent in January to 13.5 per cent,
cementing a 33.4 per cent gain. More...
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